
The comments below are unsolicited feedback from home owners who have listed rentals with us. We have provided their property numbers in the event you wish to verify the comments with the owners. Some of the accounts may be inactive at this time, yet we feel the comments are still relevant.  You can visit the owner's listing  by entering their property number below (then click the "" button) and send them a message to verify their comment if you wish (we don't make them up!):

Jan. 25, 2022 - After providing technical assistance to Beth she said...

Thank you so much for this information, and all the help you are giving me, I really appreciate it. Property # 8422

Jan. 22, 2022 - Mike advised he sold his rental...

Thank-you, it has been a great service. I may purchase another in the future and will contact you again. Formerly # 8013

Jan. 19, 2022 - New subscriber Elaine said...

I immediately had an inquiry after you posted my house and will rent to this family. I've had several other inquires before I could get logged in to add the booking. Property # 8417

Jan. 5, 2022 - After subscribing for 3 years Susan said...

We have decided not to [rent] in the future. You have a wonderful service but not needed at this time. Formerly # 6365

Jan. 5, 2022 - Tom said...

I'm very pleased with the site. I would like to continue using it and would like to renew for the following year. Property # 8135

Dec. 29, 2021 - We posted new subscriber Allison's photos and she said...

That was really FAST. You are amazing. Property # 8299

Dec. 20, 2021 - After posting his photos, multi-unit owner David said...

As always thanks you so much for your help, and I love managing my properties with you. Property #7160

Dec. 8, 2021 - The day she subscribed Mary said...

I already got one email! WOW! Property # 8370

Dec. 8, 2021 - After we posted his photos Ray said...

Thanks Judy! You are amazing! Property #8328

Dec. 4, 2021 - Polli, a long-time subscriber, said this as she sold her last rental...

Your patience and guidance were invaluable to me, thank you! YOU, Judy, are the reason I never stray from your business you really are a marvel and I appreciate you a great deal…thank you!!!!

Nov. 26, 2021 - Sylvia advised...

We have decided to sell our house, and it should be on the market next week. I just wanted to let you know and to thank you for all of your help over the past 5 or 6 years! Formerly # 4313

Nov. 21, 2021 - John sold his rental...

We no longer own this property. Thank you for the website advertisement services you provided us the last 5 years. #4919

Nov. 15, 2021 - Bob referred a friend...

We have some friends that just bought a home down in Fenny. We gave them your info. As your service has been excellent. Property #7069

Nov. 4, 2021 - At renewal Jack advised...

We want to thank you for a wonderful web site that helped us rent our home with great ease. We are moving to the Villages in April of 2022. I loved your site and it worked great for us. Formerly #7072

Oct. 31, 2021 - After posting photos for our new subscriber Gary he said...

Thank you. We have received many inquiries long before the photos were shown ... Thank you so much for the website. Property #8294

Oct. 29, 2021 - Barry is no longer renting his place...

Thank you for providing this service for renting -- it was very useful! Formerly #7170

Oct. 23, 2021 - Angela decided not to renew after subscribing for 5 years......

We are hoping not to rent it any more...We have had very good luck with you and renting to all kinds of people. Formerly #5037

Oct. 22, 2021 - Ed renewed and said...

You have a happy client and vocal supporter! Property #6018

Oct. 7, 2021 - Tom was rewarded for referring a new subscriber...

Thank you, Judy! I'm going to continue to sing your praises - love your site. Property #7060

Oct. 7, 2021 - We posted photos for new subscriber, Susan, who responded with...

We have already received interest in renting with no details up yet! Property # 8197

Sept. 21, 2021 - New subscriber Katie said...

I appreciate all your guidance in this process. Property # 8239

Sept. 16, 2021 - At his 3rd renewal Aly said...

Thank you for the excellent service and continued support. Property # 6521, 6524, 6525

Sept. 16, 2021 - After 8 years of renting with us Cindy said...

It has served us well but we are now living here full time after renting off and on for 8 years. Formerly Property #2824

Sept. 14, 2021 - At renewal Kevin said...

Your website is great and I am simply not advertising any longer as the house is no longer up for rent. Formerly Property # 6978

Sept. 1, 2021 - New subscriber Tim said...

I have received 16 inquires in the first 24 hours. Two deposits have been mailed. Property # 8209