
The comments below are unsolicited feedback from home owners who have listed rentals with us. We have provided their property numbers in the event you wish to verify the comments with the owners. Some of the accounts may be inactive at this time, yet we feel the comments are still relevant.  You can visit the owner's listing  by entering their property number below (then click the "" button) and send them a message to verify their comment if you wish (we don't make them up!):

April 6, 2023 - John was impressed with our photo editing....

This is awesome! Exactly what I envisioned; Thank you for your diligent work!!! Property 9007

March 20, 2023 - Rose Ann said...

Your website has been wonderful and easy to use! Property 8737

March 3, 2023 - We edited photos for John's third rental...

Thank you for your crafting of the pictures and your rapid response. Property # 9007

March 2, 2023 - Denise has subscribed for 6 years...

As always, a pleasure to work with you, and I love the fact that your website is so easy to work with and understand. Property #5217

Feb. 23, 2023 - Jim needed some site help...

I appreciate your help and have loved your site .. it has helped me rent some each year. Property #5775

Feb. 20, 2023 - We posted photos for new subscriber, Steve...

Thank you so much! Your website is fantastic! I can’t believe the number of hits I’ve received. Property #8958

Feb. 1, 2023 - Monique subscribed on Monday, on Wednesday she said...

I already have received email interest from 2 potential renters. Wow! That was fast from your posting on Monday morning. We are so excited. Property # 8975

Jan. 19, 2023 - At renewal John said...

I'm happy to say that we have permanently moved in to our #6700 property and are putting our #1792 property up for sale this summer so after many years of our successful relationship we are discontinuing our subscription. Thank you so much for all your help over the years!

Jan. 19, 2023 - After several years renting Jeff advised...

I have had a wonderful experience with your site but we have decided to use the home full-time. I tell everyone I meet what a great company and site you have. Best of luck. Property 6640

Jan. 15, 2023 - At renewal Damon advised...

All of our properties are locked up for the foreseeable future. We know we didn’t need to reply but wanted to thank you for all of the service over the past eight or so years. Your site did a really great job for us, and we appreciate it. Properties 3739, 3740, 5001, 5614

Jan. 6, 2023 - We edited and posted Brenda's photos...

Awesome, thank you so much! Also thanks for arranging them for me. Greatly appreciated your concern in our advertising. Property # 8193

Jan. 3, 2023 - Van needed some technical help and said….

Cheese you are quick. Thank you so much. I like doing business with you. Property # 8235

Jan. 2, 2023 - Rene referred another subscriber...

Thanks for taking care of all my folks I refer to you guys. You are the best ! Property # 3052

Dec. 28, 2022 - After renting for three years Colleen has plans to use her home...

I’m writing because I don’t want to miss paying my yearly subscription. I could have missed it. You do a fantastic job and I so appreciate it. Property # 6707

Dec. 2, 2022 - Charlotte reached out about renewing...

I’m writing because I don’t want to miss paying my yearly subscription. I could have missed it. You do a fantastic job and I so appreciate it. Property # 8354

Dec. 1, 2022 - Rene added another rental to her account...

I did a few things last night and I LOVE the site even more than I remembered it before, Thank you so much! Property # 8834

Nov. 23, 2022 - New subscriber Kristen said...

I’ve gotten inquiries already! I’m impressed! Property # 8849

Nov. 21, 2022 - We replaced photos on one of Harold's rentals...

I love doing business with you. Happy Holidays. Property 8384

Nov. 10, 2022 - Donna made an overpayment...

Thank you so much for your prompt reply, working while on vacation and issuing me a credit in subscription time. Property #5773

Nov. 2, 2022 - Teresa and Tom advised they sold their rentals...

We really appreciated your excellent website, it worked like a charm. Wishing you continued success and the best of everything. Formerly properties 8276 & 8277

Nov. 1, 2022 - VH4R was taking a brief vacation and Kathy said...

Dear Judy, PLEASE ENJOY YOUR VACATION. You do a great job and I love your website. It is very well run and very personal. So now just enjoy. Property # 6387

Oct. 21, 2022 - Katie asked for some technical support...

Wonderful! Thank you Judy! Now that’s what I call service! Have a great weekend! Property #8283

Oct. 17, 2022 - New subscriber Kim said...

You have been so incredibly helpful. Property # 8774

Oct. 14, 2022 - New subscriber Jodi said...

HI, your website is awesome...unit should be rented by end of day! If you need a review let me know... so easy! Property # 8781

Oct. 4, 2022 - New subscriber Linda said...

The pictures look great! Thank you for posting them so quickly! We have already been receiving several inquiries even before the pictures were up. Property # 8766